Chayei Sarah: Finish What You Began

Boy, I'm happy I don't live in America now.

In the end, somebody, Biden or Trump, is going to end up with some major egg on his face.  Looking at what I see, I would normally believe it would be Trump who will lose.  However, it's 2020; it's the year of really strange things…so…you never know.


What scares me most is not Biden, nor so much of the super-left wing of the Democrat Party which is gaining strength (okay…the super-left does scare me), it's that the major media outlets and social media outlets learned something very important: By outright lies and censorship of things and ideas that they simply disagree with, they wield a very powerful weapon against their political enemies.  You can deny the Holocaust or call for the destruction of Israel, but you cannot run a political story against a politician that they happen to like.  And many, if not most, of the country, doesn't really seem to care.


That is why I feel afraid for the American people.


On the other hand, there is a part of me that is happy if Trump loses.  So many Jews put their faith in him, giving him Moshiach-like standings.  Writing how he stands for morals and virtues, and other nonsense such as that.  He, as a human being, is no tzaddik.  He deserves recognition for the good that he has done for the religious community and Israel, yes, but let's not make him into some righteous person fighting for morals and decency.


Well…as they say: It's all in G-d's hands…let's move on to more important things.


"Let it be that the maiden to whom I shall say, 'Please tip your jug so I may drink,' and who replied, 'Drink, and I will even water your camels,' her, will You have chosen for Your servant, for Yitzchok…and it was, when the camels had finished drinking, the man took a golden ring…" (Bereishis 24:14).


Rav Shimshon Pincus asks why Eliezer waited for Rivkah to finish watering the camels before giving her the gifts and asking about her.  He davened for a sign to find the right girl to be a wife for Yitzchok.  It was not a simple sign either, something that just anybody would have done.  So, when she agreed not only to give him water but to also water his camels, he should have known right there and then that she was destined to be Yitzchok's wife.  So, why the wait?


Rav Pincus answered that he wanted to see her behavior after she finished.  What would she say?  What would she do?  Would she ask for payment?  In the end, she did not ask for any payment and instead went on to give even Eliezer's men water.  And that continuous display of chesed was the sign Eliezer wanted.


I, in my never-to-be humble opinion, want to offer my own idea.  Perhaps he wanted to see if she would complete the chesed that she began.  Many people have great ideas (chesed or not) and begin them, but then…things start to slow down, and it never comes to completion.  Somehow, they run out of steam.  If this is true for non-mitzvah projects, all the more so for mitzvah-projects, where the Yetzer Horah is working overtime to thwart.


In the end, Rivkah not only gave Eliezer something to drink, and agreed to water his camels, she completed the entire venture, which was no easy feat.  Perhaps that was what Eliezer was looking for.  If so (or even if not), it's an important lesson for us all to learn.